Sunday, July 29, 2007

Formal Ball

With Miss Teen Oregon and Miss Teen Virginia at the Formal Ball. These girls are really fantastic. It has really been a great honor be included in this group of girls. All of them could have been Miss Teen International because they are all smart, beautiful, and fun to be around.

Finals Night

We were all excited to represent Arkansas with me in the Top 10 and Chelsey as 4th runner up. Thanks go to Ms. Bernee' for her tireless efforts to make us look and feel our best.
Here is also a picture with Jade Kenney, 2006 Miss Teen International. She was great during the competition week.

Top 10

I made the top 10!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Free Time in Chicago

Friday was a free day for the teen contestants. This was a welcome rest because we were in rehersal and show on Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. That was a long day! Here I am at Lake Michigan and with my brother, Robby, at Wrigley Field. Robby and my dad had time yesterday to watch the Sox win at Cellular Field.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Jade Kenney and I at dinner

Miss Teen International 2006, Jade Kenny, and I at the formal dinner on Wednesday night.

With Bernee'

My state director, Bernee' Thurow, has been EXTREMELY helpful this week and in all the preparations for the pageant.

Dinner with Mary Richardson

On Wednesday night, all the contestants attended a dinner with National Directors, Mel and Mary Richardson.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I had my interview with the judges today. Interview counts as 40% of the total score. I was excited to tell the judges about my platform, Heifer Project International, and how I would promote that platform as Miss Teen International.

Platform Issue

Chelsey and I have a display in the lobby about our platforms. I have volunteered with Heifer Project International since I was in the fifth grade. Chelsey's platform is volunteerism and the Don't Almost Give campaign.

Navy Pier

We signed autographs and enjoyed the sights at Navy Pier. The Chicago skyline was beautiful at night. All the contestants are wonderful people and I'm having a great time!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mary Richardson and Ms. Bernee'

Here I am with the best state director ever - Ms. Bernee.
I also visited with National Director - Mary Richardson. Miss Teen New Hampshire and I shopped until we dropped!

Chelsey and I at Gurnee Mills

The Miss and Teen contestants had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe at Gurnee Mills. Chelsey and I found a future prince.

Meet and Greet with the Contestants

Shopping at Gurnee Mills with Jade Kenny, Miss Teen International, and some of the other contestants.

Signing Autographs at Gurnee Mills

We signed autographs at Gurnee Mills Outlet Mall today. Rehersals were afterward. Thank goodness I took along the flip flops Mrs. Bernee gave me at the send off party. They SAVED ME FEET !!!

Sarah's Nationals

We attended the final night of Mrs. International and cheered on Sarah. She looked great and we are so proud of her!!


We spent some of our free time seeing some of the sites around Chicago and shopping, of course!

Chelsey and I went to dinner with Miss Alabama and Teen Alabama. Chicago has been really great so far and we are meeting lots of really wonderful girls.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Leaving for Nationals

Chelsey and I at the Little Rock airport on Saturday. We are on our way to the International Pageant in Chicago! Tonight, Sarah competes in the finals of Mrs. International and we will be there to cheer her on.

This is going to be an exciting week. I will keep you updated on all the fun on this blog. Wish us luck and vote for us on under NEWS and then TFTJ Polls.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Send Off Party

These are the beautiful robes provided by Crown Image Productions. Pictured are Chelsey Cavin, Miss Arkansas International, me, and Sarah Hunt, Mrs. Arkansas International.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


At Riverfest in Little Rock, I worked with Heifer Project International to educate others about the mission of the organization. Here, I visit with children and their parents about the use of goats in Heifer Project International programs.
Brooke Chaney, Miss Teen Arkansas International and Chelsey Cavin, Miss Arkansas International, started the game for the Arkansas Twisters by flipping the coin.

Brooke Chaney, Miss Teen Arkansas International 2007